Friday, September 10, 2010


Whoa, blog da bersawang. Cleaner needed. Ill update it tomorrow

Saturday, May 29, 2010


The day i've long awaited has come
23rd may 2010
here i go!!
the past sunday has been a really tiring day
there were a lot of documents to prepare
rushed to the mall to grab some new threads
fuhh~there u go little fella
few months of holiday really make me a bit rusty
im a bit nervous that day
i woke up early and have my breakfast
i registered at PASUM later in the afternoon expected
the streets were jammed with ppl
thats why i hate this stuff

it was hot in the afternoon
just get over with these i think
okay let see what is next
the programme was called Minggu Haluan Siswa
the one who handling us were called P.P
"pembantu pelajar"
i hate this programme
plus the P.P were too cruel :P
but honestly
despite all the cruelness shown
i really enjoyed this programme in the end
yesterday it ended
it was good to hear that
the final night was magnificient
outstanding performance
its hard to say goodbye to the P.P
they were good students
for the sacrifices all of u make
really love u guys!
im a week old at PASUM now
still new lol
nvm..ill use everything the P.P thought us
there's not much thing happened
i'll kept updating this blog with my pasum life
okay got to have some rest

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

(+)[Dewh..malas =.="](+)

Mlm yg sejuk

aku terjage dari tido yg lena

huh teringat lak sumtin

Esok ade latihan moto

aku hari tue test fail kat jlanraye

ntah hape aku wat

En.jpj tu sperti sngaje mmfailkan aku

cekgu call tadi

mule2 petg

die tukar pagi pulak


mlas nak pegi tempat tu da ahah

hope pasni xpyah repeat lagi

Monday, April 26, 2010


Hari yg empty
bosan gile..da xtahan aku duk rumah wey
haiz..cant wait to enter the university
pagi tadi bngun agak awal
then terus online
check FB
maen game
pastu chatting kejap ngan sorg budak
thap bosan aku mmg da max da time tu
pegi la msuk bilik
'Clash of The Titans'
aku bru tgok skali tbe2 nak tgok lagi
mmg favourite ak cte epic+fantasy ney
plus cte tu bnyk god+titan
cte okay
juz ak pling xske kat part Kraken tu
mcm hell
lembek na mmpos
sgt2 kcewa melihat ia mmpos mcm tu je
xbley trime knape story die camtu
damn bored


Saturday, April 24, 2010


Fuhh~its been a while since ak last post sumting kat sini..sorry to the readers..well klu ade hakhak..kk at least post ney mesti la equal value die ngan 3 bulan yg aku tinggal after SPM aku mmg bored and most of the time ak juz lepak, buang masa dont blame me for not updating my blog..its not my fault after all.

Really missed all my friends and the time we spent together..there is so much thing to think of now..kinda sad when we have to part and lead our own ways..yelaa, kene terima kenyataan yg kte da semakin more childish act..aku ckap pandai tapi buat ta reti..kat rumah ney ak spend mase ak 24/7 depan pc..xkuar mne2..xpegi hangout ngan kwan..all this while ak duduk rumah jee..ntah la..Nik dduk same tman ngan aku tapi elok je follow Ikan and the gang jalan2..aku jee..xpandai sgt nak bersosial..klu kat skola tu okay la..tinggal same2 ngan mmber..sng la nak buat ape2..most of the time ak just lepak sorg..yes, sometime mg best sbub dapat enjoy sedikit peace but kdg2..aku terase amat bosan n terase kosong..handset ak ta pegg sgt so sorry to sape2 yg msg then ak xreply or reply 4-5 hari pastu..especially banjo haha..sory2..ngan marni pon ak xmsg sgt so jgn blame ak lyan awek je smpai lupe mmber..nvr haha -Hmm ak ske duk sorg2, mlm stay up sampai pagi..da jadi habit..spend my time chatting..ade la muke2 yg bese online late nite seperti SaifulSafuan, IqbalHisham, AizatZailani, HamizuddinAizat, AliffFaisal..i made a lot of friends through online gaming too..singapore, thailand, brunei, indonesia, philiphine, france, german, and jugak klu kenal kwan least ak ley tanye2 dorg psal country dorg..some ade dlam FB list aku ahah..aku ney sometime trase cam yg aku ney pandai cari kwan tapi ta pandai nak jage kwan sigh*..mybe btol..really sory2 sbub ak ney kdg terlalu selfish haha..tu psal ak sush nak ade best fren..huh


Parents aku sgt baek haha..keje gile hard juz ntuk pastikan ktorg adik beradik hidup sehat haha..thx to them..juz sometime dorg xspend mase yg ckup ntuk aku n siblings yg laen..or mybe ktorg yg salah..makes me wonder, something doesnt feel right here..klu igt2 balek, parent aku ta penah bwak pegi vacation mne2..hmm aku ta kesah sgt coz ble da besar nnti aku ley pegi sndri..mybe dorg busy kot..too damn busy..ble parents aku decide ntuk wat pape, normally aku xsekepala ngan dorg..well nak buat mcm tue & mude laen thinking..aku kuat mmberontak sometime so ak ta rase aku ney anak yg soleh sgt..ahah, kene change ney -Hmmm, kesian sgt tgok parent aku..aku sgt2 jeles tgok family org laen..wahhh, family bond sgt baek..siblings rpat ngan each other..well, siblings aku ta mcm tu..aku just rpat dengan adik ak yg bongsu tu..tu jee..ngan adik pmpuan, sis ngan bro sumpah xrpat lgsung..adik pmpuan aku tuhh sjak aku msuk asrama fom 1 dlu aku ta pena sembg pape ngan die..even tgur die pon xpenah..tinggal satu rumah tapi trase die mcm org asing..aku pon jadi segan nak tgur die haih.same la ngan sis and bro aku..dorg U skrg ney so ble ade cuti sem bru dorg balik..tapi klu balik pon sme la mcm adik pmpuan aku tuhh..ktorg xpena sembg ngan each other..sume wat hal sndri je..aku xtipu mmg dlam sebulan tu mybe sekali jer ktorg tgur each other..kdg x tgur lgsung pon haha..sgt2 truk..aku takot ble parent aku suda tiade ktorg akan putus cmtu jeh haih..ak btol2 miss mse kecik2 dlu :(

Dlu mase kecik ak ngan abg ku slalu sgt gado..yela die sulung slu buli aku..dlu ktorg duk quarters klinik so ade bnyk jiran2 sevaye..mase kecik2 sgt best..aku ngan abg aku slu ulang alik kedai tgok mainan pe die jual latest haha, kyuh la basikal tu same2..dlu ayh aku ade beli RC car sorg satu ntuk aku n siblings ktorg maen la much time spent together once but now mcm ta kenal lgsung..abg aku ske belasah aku dlu haih..mmg ske gado gle..ak dlu kecik bulat dan gemok so sdap dibuat punching bag ahah..aku ade satu toolbox kaler biru dlu..aku simpan semua mainan aku dlam tu..aku collect playing card dlu..yg ade gambar pokemon tu sume.tapi ble abg aku bengang die mesti koyak sume kad aku haha..sedey sgt time tu mmg nanges gle..such a baby lol..nak buat mcm mne haih..then esok pegi la beli kad baru..tapi slu dikoyak kembali haha..ble da besar sket ble abg aku pkul aku aku lwan la balik tapi klah jugak adoiii..aku sgt admire abg aku dlu..coz bagi aku die la org yg aku respect sgt lagipun die brani giler..ktorg dlu pegi mengaji same2..pegi maen mercun same2..pegi pancing ikan kat kolam besar(tapi xdpat pon)..the point is..dlu ktorg sgt2 rapat tapi knape skrg ta bley mcm dlu lagi..time really change everything..i wish dpat spend mase ngan bro aku mcm dlu..sgt2 berharap..skrg die bnyk spend time ngan kwan..aku xblame die because its normal..same la ngan siblings aku yg laen..well hrap aku dpat figure something out ntuk repair family bond ney


Hmm..tgok mmber aku rmai yg suda kapel..rmai juga yg masey single..rmai gle yg suda kapel tapi ngaku single ceyh..ntah la..act btol la org tue2 ckap ta elok kapel mase blajar ney sbub xkonfem kekal..ak stuju tapi the truth aku pon kapel jugak haha..ta de la..juz wait and see..mne tawu ley tahan depends kat kte jugak..setiap org laen so musti ending die mesti laen jugak..just choose someone that really suits u and take care of him/her as if he/she is everyting u have..xde personal sgt psal bnde ney..klu mmber skola aku die taw la mcm mne aku kapel ngan marni tuhh..pnjg cte die..tapi tu la dlu mase kat skola ble kapel, trase macam kita da ready for everything..mase tu la kte rase yg awek kte tuh akan kekal sampai ble2 ngan kte..owh why am im so naive back there..thx to all my buddies yg bnyk support mse kat skola, thats why aku rase relation aku ley tahan mase kat sane..yelah bile org puji sape xsuke hahaha..rase bngga ble org jeles ngan relation kite..wat kte rase nak hold kan relation tu as long as possible..ney pe yg aku rase and klu org laen different kot..tapi skrg ble da habes skola things really changed..nak start satu relation mmg sgt mudah if compared to maintaining it..ak xrase ak jadi bf yg baek ntuk Marni all this while tapi die still luv me so much..sgt2 terharu hakhak..aku skrg ney just trying to make relation ktorg kekal..skrg ney xnak la poyo2 sgt kapel..juz lyan each other as friend..maybe xboleh nak rpat mcm dlu sbub ktorg msing2 ade life sndri..ak xminat nak menggatal cari yg laen pown ahha..i already have her and she means everything to me..i will hold on this relation as long as I can :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

OtAk JaM!!

..ak xde bnde nak ckap lol..